Renovating the Pyramid of Needs: Contemporary Extensions Built Upon Ancient Foundations
This revision retains a number of Maslow’s critical insights, including the hierarchical structure and several original needs such as physiological, safety (self-protection), and esteem (status). However, we update the model in several important ways. Most important, we believe it useful to examine basic human motives at three different levels of analysis often conflated in Maslow’s work: (a) their ultimate evolutionary function, (b) their developmental sequencing, and (c) their cognitive priority as triggered by proximate inputs.
マズローの成果ではしばしば混ぜられていた人の欲求を 3 つの異なるレベルで調査することが重要、という信念
a) their ultimate evolutionary function : 進化のための機能 → 例えば、子孫を残すのに有利になることが母が子孫の面倒を見る動機になる、って感じ?
b) their developmental sequencing : 発達的な?? → 例えば妊娠・出産による女性ホルモンの変化や母乳生成により、母が子孫の面倒を見ることの動機になる、って感じ???
c) their cognitive priority as triggered by proximate inputs : 直接の刺激? によって引き起こされる認知的な優先順位 → 実際に子どもが母乳を吸うみたいな差し迫った状況があり、それが母が子孫の面倒を見る動機になる、みたいな感じ???
もともと最上部に位置していた自己実現の欲求 (Self Actualization) を取り除き、Status (Esteem) と Mate 関係の欲求に含まれるように変更 (functional level of analysis より) ピラミッドの最上部には、生殖に関する 3 つの欲求 (Mate Acquisition、Mate Retention、Parenting) を配置 (developmental level of analysis より) 各欲求が積み重なるのではなく、重なり合うように (proximate level of analysis より)
Functional Level of Analysis
A functional analysis of fundamental human motives suggests good support for many of Maslow’s ideas, including the idea that humans have different motivation systems for physiological needs, safety (self-protection) needs, belongingness (affiliation) needs, and esteem (status) needs. However, a functional analysis also suggests several revisions to Maslow’s model. First, whereas Maslow paid little attention to mating and included sexual motivation as a subset of physiological needs, mating needs are more sensibly identified as a separate category (as we discuss more fully in the next section). Second, what Maslow called belongingness is comprised of the different needs of romantic love, affiliation, and familial care, which ought to be considered separately. As we discuss below, a consideration of biological theories of life-history development suggests the addition of differentiated goal systems linked to mating, parenting, and kin care. Third, a functional analysis suggests that self-actualization cannot be considered a unique human need itself, but that it instead might sensibly be subsumed within the broader sets of needs pertaining to status and mating.
マズローは交配 (でいいのかな? mating) やそれに含まれる性的な動機を生理の欲求の一部としてとらえたが、交配の欲求は別のカテゴリーとして独立したもの マズローが所属性 (belongingness) と呼んだものは、ロマンティック・ラブ、交友関係 (affiliation)、家族の世話 (familial care) といったそれぞれ別物として考えられるものに分けられる 自己実現の欲求 (self-actualization) もそれ自体が人固有の欲求だとは考えられず、status や mating の欲求に含まれる Developmental Level of Analysis
Maslow’s hierarchical theory of needs assumed that an individual’s priorities shifted from lower to higher in the hierarchy as a person matured. In this section, we examine the notion of developmental priority in light of life-history theory. Several important points arise from this consideration: (a) there is broad biological support for the idea that motivational priorities change with development; (b) in species like humans, early developing life-history goals continue to operate alongside those that develop later in life; (c) life-history priorities involve necessary trade-offs in the allocation of effort to survival, growth, and reproduction; and (d) reproduction is the ultimate goal of such trade-offs, but successful reproduction involves multiple goals. These considerations suggest the addition of three sets of later-developing goals to the traditional hierarchy: mate acquisition, mate retention, and parental care. Life-history theory also suggests that there are likely to be important individual differences in motivational priorities—some linked to gender and others linked to within-sex variations in strategies emerging from interactions with the developmental environment. マズローの理論は、個人の優先順位は成熟に伴って欲求のピラミッドの低いほうから高い方へ移ると仮定していた
A developmental level of analysis and consideration of life-history theory suggest several important revisions to Maslow’s original hierarchy. First, the revised hierarchy contains three later-developing reproduction-focused goals of mate acquisition, mate retention, and parental care. Second, this analysis suggests that the different motives in the hierarchy continue to operate alongside those that develop later in life—a point reflected visually by the overlapping triangles in the hierarchy. Third, this analysis suggests important individual differences in motivational priorities that result from interactions between development and current environment, which we discuss further below. 解析の発達レベルと生活史理論の考慮から
交配相手の獲得、維持、そして育児という 3 つの生殖に関するゴール